The Plant Journal –
PSNA Early Career Award
The Plant Journal (TPJ) – PSNA Award recognizes research achievements by outstanding postdoctoral researchers and research scientists in academic, research and government institutions with a preference for early career individuals who are ready to start an independent position.
Arthur C. Neish Young
Investigator Award
This award is named in honor of Arthur C. Neish (1916-1973).
The Arthur C. Neish Award supports outstanding young investigators within the first 5 years of establishing an independent research program.
PSNA Phytochemical Pioneer Award
The Phytochemical Society of North America (PSNA) Phytochemical Pioneer Award is given to long-term members of the Society who have made pionnering and lasting contributions that have significantly shaped and influenced the research in the phytochemistry field.
Poster & Travel Awards
Please join us in congratulating our 2023-2024 PSNA award winners:

Arthur C. Neish Young Investigator Award Winner

Arthur C. Neish Young Investigator Award Winner

An Appreciation from Zhen Wang: Recipient of the PSNA 2023 Arthur Neish Young Investigator Award
On November 16th, 2018, Dr. Vincenzo De Luca invited me to visit his lab at Brock University. By then, I just started my independent research lab in the University at Buffalo, SUNY. I had no prior publications in the plant natural product research field as a graduate student or a postdoc. However, I steadfastly believed in plants’ magnificent healing power since my family used to give me traditional Chinese medicine when I was sick. I was very grateful for Dr. De Luca’s warm invitation as I was this new kid in the block and he was a well-respected expert who I secretly admired from reading his papers.
In Dr. De Luca’s greenhouse filled with beautiful blossoms of periwinkle, the plant that produces the anti-cancer drug vinblastine and vincristine, I asked him which professional conferences he would recommend, he highly recommended the Phytochemical Society of North America to me. That was the first time I learned about PSNA.

An Appreciation from Lars Kruse: Recipient of the 2023 PSNA-TPJ Early Career Award
In 2023, I received the prestigious PSNA-TPJ Early Career Award. This recognition is a great honour and a significant milestone in my journey as a scientist. It places me among distinguished scientists who have previously received this award, an honour that fills me with pride and humility.
My journey with the PSNA, attending meetings over the past years, has been incredibly rewarding. The yearly meetings have become something like a scientific home for me. This award feels like a rite of passage, showing me that my contributions to phytochemical research are recognized and valued within our community.
Moreover, the chance to contribute a review article to The Plant Journal represents a significant opportunity to share the research that I am passionate about.