
Larissa Laforest
Institution University of Florida
Field Keywords Molecular Biology Plant Molecular Biology Natural Product Biosynthesis
Research Interest Plant medicinal chemistry Natural product biosynthesis Genome mining Plant molecular biology Functional genetics genetic engineering Pathway discovery
Basanta Lamichhane
Institution Université du Québec à Trois - Rivières
Field Keywords Phytochemistry, medicinal plants, metabolic engineering, molecular biology
Research Interest Plants, Phytochemistry, medicinal plants, metabolic engineering, biosynthetic pathways
Bernd Markus Lange
Emily Lanier
Madison Larson
Institution University of Minnesota Duluth
Field Keywords chemistry, biochemistry, phytochemistry, plant, botany
Research Interest Phytochemistry
Robert Last
Maria Isabel Aguilar Laurents
Lovely Mae Lawas
Philip W. Le Quesne
Paulina Leal-Puerta
Sophie LeBlanc
Kyounghee Lee
Institution University of Utah
Field Keywords Plant Biology
Soon Goo Lee
Courtney Leisner
Courtney Leisner
Institution Virginia Tech
Field Keywords plant natural products
Bryan Leong
Norman Lewis
Fanfan Li
Institution McGill Univeristy
Field Keywords monoterpenoid indole alkaloids, Catharanthus roseus, multi-omics
Research Interest Medicinal plants/ MIA biosynthesis in Catharanthus roseus
Mingzhuo Li
Field Keywords Natural Products chemistry, science education, synthesis
Research Interest Natural Products Chemistry
Benjamin Lichman
Donna Liebelt
Marta Lima
Institution Virginia Tech
Field Keywords Metabolomics Phytochemicals Health Nutrition Physiology
Chung-Ho Lin
Katie Littleford
Yibo Liu
Denisse De Loera
Eugenio López Márquez
Institution Tecnológico Nacional de México campus Tlajomulco
Field Keywords Biotechnology, secondary metabolites, engineering
Argelia Lorence
Yann-Rou Lou
Andrew Lowell
Victor Manuel Loyola-Vargas
Erick Maurilio Peña Lucio
Peter Lundquist
Institution Michigan State University
Field Keywords Lipid droplets, prenyl-lipid metabolism, photosynthetic regulation, chloroplasts, plastoglobules
Hannah Lusk