
Shengbo Yao
Farida Yasmin
Institution University of California Davis
Field Keywords Terpene diversity
Research Interest Plant-environment interaction
Farida Yasmin
Institution UC Davis Plant Biology Dept
Field Keywords Terpene diversity
Research Interest Plant-environment interaction
Lorena Yeung
Institution University of Western Ontario
Field Keywords Suberin
Research Interest Plant Biology
Ryo yokoyama
Ryo Yokoyama
Institution Max Planck Institute of Molecular Plant Physiology
Field Keywords photosynthesis, amino acids, anthocyanin, carbon metabolism, metabolomics
Heejin Yoo
Institution University of Utah
Field Keywords Plant Immunity, Plant Secondary Metabolites, Plant Volatiles
Leonardo Yoshida
Gordon Younkin
Seyit Yuzuak
Institution Burdur Mehmet Akif Ersoy University (BMAEU)
Field Keywords Secondary metabolites, Metabolite production, Terpenes, Alkaloids, Phenolics, Anthocyanins
Research Interest Phytochemistry, Plant Biotechnology, Plant Molecular Biology ang Genetic, Plant Secondary Metabolism and Secondary Metabolites