
Radin Sadre
Radin Sadre
Institution The Ohio State University
Field Keywords metabolomics, synthetic biology, metabolic engineering, specialized metabolism
Laxmi Sagwan-Barkdoll
Abira Sahu
Institution Michigan State University
Field Keywords biochemistry, isoprene signaling, chloroplast, climate change
Solihu Kayode Sakariyahu
Institution Western University and Agriculture and Agri-Food Canada
Field Keywords metabolomics, genomics, transcriptomics, proanthocyanidins
Research Interest Plant metabolomics
Vonny Salim
Field Keywords Specialized metabolism
Khadidiatou Sall
Field Keywords Medicinal plants
Itzel Rubí Yeverino Sánchez
Brandon Sandoval
Institution Colorado State University
Field Keywords Analytical Chemistry
Anislada Santinbanez
James Saunders
Craig Schenck
Craig Schenck
Institution University of Missouri
Field Keywords Metabolism amino acid specialized metabolism core metabolism enzyme
Research Interest Evolution of plant specialized metabolism
Eric Schmelz
Veronica Schnee
Institution Vassar College
Field Keywords ethnobotany,
Gerald Schneider
Elizabeth Schousek
Institution Pennsylvania State University
Field Keywords Theobroma cacao catechins polyphenols bioactivity bioavailability
Samuel Scott
David Seigler
Institution University of Illiinois Urbana-Champaign
Field Keywords Phytochemistry, Chemical systematics
William Setzer
Field Keywords phytochemistry essential oils
Nitzan Shabek
Mohammadamin Shahsavarani
Thomas Sharkey
Institution Michigan State University
Field Keywords Isoprene, MEP pathway, photosynthesis
Ashutosh Sharma
Adrian Shell
Abbas Shilabin
Paul Shipley
Institution University of British Columbia
Field Keywords Chemometrics Phytochemistry NHP Magnetic Resonance
Lina Fernanda Silva Castro
Jeffrey Simpson
Jessica Sinka
Nathaniel Smith
Institution Cornell University
Field Keywords specialized metabolism, biocuration, metabolic pathways, enzymology, biochemistry
Research Interest Photo-protective metabolites and pathway discovery/engineering
Angel Alpuche Solis
Institution University Of Missouri
Field Keywords Natural Product Biosynthesis, Metabolic Engineering, Structural Diversity, Evolution of Specialized Metabolite Pathways
Research Interest Plant Specialized Metabolism
Bao-Hua Song
Marcos Soto Hernandez
Institution Colegio xde Postgraduados
Field Keywords alkaloids, terpenes, flavonoids, phenolic compunds, saponins
Ramon Marcos Soto-Hernandez
Institution Colegio de Postgraduados
Field Keywords Aromatic plants, terpenoids, flavonoids, alkaloids, saponins
Research Interest Isolation and characterization of natural products from plants and their biomedical applications
Amala Soumyanath
Institution Oregon Health & Science University
Field Keywords Botanicals, dietary supplements, aging, Alzheimer's disease, Centella asiatica, Ashwagandha
Ian Spenser
Radhakrishnan Sri Vedavyasa Sri
Vandana Srivastava
Narayanan Srividya
Robert Standaert
Amber Stanley
Jan "Fred" Stevens
Field Keywords Phytochemistry, pharmacology, metabolic syndrome, botanicals, xanthohumol, cannabinoids
Y. Kevin Suh
Institution High Point University
Field Keywords phytochemicals
Michael Sullivan
Yulin Sun
Field Keywords plant secondary metabolites, plant waxes, sporopollenin
Omar Support
Field Keywords asdasd